News and Events

AMAP team receives $2.6 million AIF grant

2017 - A team of Dalhousie researchers led by engineering physicist Dr. Jeremy Brown received $2.68 million to develop a miniature ablation endoscope for guided neurosurgery. This new imaging device will enable neurosurgeons to see such details as the amount of tumour remaining and blood flow in nearby vessels... It represents a quantum leap in guided brain surgery. Read more.

CIHR awards major project funding to Dr. Vic Rafuse

2016 - The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) awarded two project grants to AMAP founding member, Dr. Victor Rafuse, Professor of Medical Neuroscience, in a recent competition. Dr. Rafuse, who is director of the Brain Repair Centre, is a leading mobility researcher. Read more.


The Mobility Project: Putting people back in motion


The Atlantic Mobility Action Project or Mobility Project aims to restore mobility and important functional abilities, primarily to people whose nervous systems have been damaged by injury or disease. Spinal cord injury, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis are just some of the neurological conditions that can make it difficult or impossible to walk or use your hands.

Launched in 2007, the Mobility Project brings together a diverse group of Atlantic Canadian researchers, based largely in Dalhousie University's Faculties of Medicine and Health Professions. The group's members range from laboratory scientists and surgeons to kinesiologists, biomedical engineers, and clinical rehabilitation specialists. Working in consultation with non-profit organizations and government agencies, they are searching for solutions across the spectrum, from the molecule to the community.

Unlike most other parts of the body, the brain and spinal cord have no innate means of healing themselves or fighting back against disease, so damage isso far irreversible. Mobility Project researchers are searching for ways to make the best possible use of remaining nervous system function in order to optimize people's ability to move and perform the tasks of daily living for a better quality of life.