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Jeremy Brown, PhDAssociate Professor, Website | This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | Publications Tel: (902) 473-1515 |
Dr. Jeremy Brown is an engineering physicist with a strong track record of successful innovation. He has worked extensively in the field of hearing, developing implantable sub-cutaneous piezoelectric bone conduction hearing aids, and ultrasonic and fibre-optic diagnostic imaging probes for the ear, among other novel technologies. He holds two patents, with three more pending, and is a director of a spin-off company commercializing the new technologies.
In 2017, Dr. Brown and his colleagues, including Drs. Robert Adamson, James Fawcett, John Frampton and Adrienne Weeks, received $2.68 million from ACOA's Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF) and matching partners, for a new project to develop a miniature ablation endoscope for guided neurosurgery. Among other grants, Dr. Brown has received:
- AIF funding in the amount of $2.9 million to develop new clinical tools using high-frequency ultrasound and optical coherence tomography
- NSERC and Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation funding to advance his efforts to fabricate high-frequency piezoelectric micro-composites for use in auditory technologies
- NSERC, Nova Scotia Health Authority Research Fund, Springboard Atlantic and InNOVAcorp funding to develop a variable-sampling beamformer for high-resolution ultrasound endoscopy
Academic background
Jeremy Brown received a BSc in engineering physics from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario in 2001. He stayed on at Queen's to complete his PhD and a post-doctoral fellowship in applied physics. In 2006, he honed in on his biophysics focus, with two years of post-doc training in medical biophysics at Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto. Upon completion of this training, he re-located to Halifax, Nova Scotia, accepting a position as assistant profession in the School of Biomedical Engineering at Dalhousie University. He received the school's teaching award in 2010, and an innovation award from the Halifax Discovery Centre in 2013.
Selected Publications
J. Rainsbury, T. Landry, J.A. Brown, R. Adamson, M. Bance. (2016). High Frequency Ex-Vivo Ultrasound Imaging of the Middle Ear to Show Simulated Pathology. Otology and Neurotology. 37(5): 586-592.
A. Kotiya, M.Bance, J. Leadbetter, J.A. Brown, R. Adamson. (2016). Functional Testing of Subcutaneous Piezoelectrically Actuated Hearing Aid (SPAHA): Comparison with BAHA and Potential for Treating Single Sided Deafness. Otology and Neurotology. 37(6): 753-760.
D. MacDougall, J. Farrell, M. Bance, J.A. Brown, RA. Adamson. (2016). Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography for Real-Time ln-Vivo Otology Imaging with GPU Accelerated Doppler Vibrography. Biomedical Optics Express. 7: 4621-4635.
C.A. Samson, A. Bezanson, J.A. Brown. (2016). A Sub Nyquist, Variable Sampling, High Frequency Phased Array Beamformer. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control. PP(99): TBD.
A. Kotiya, M.Bance, J. Leadbetter, J.A. Brown, R Adamson. (2016). Subcutaneous Piezoelectrically Actuated Hearing Aid (SPAHA): Optimisation of Piezoelectric Actuator and Effect of Biocompatible Casing on its Performance. Otology and Neurotology. 37(6): 753-760.
Thomas Landry, James Rainsbury, Rob Adamson, Manohar Bance, Jeremy Brown. (2015). Real-time imaging of in-vitro human middle ear using high frequency ultrasound. Hearing Research. 326: 1-7.
Dan MacDougall; James Rainsbury; Jeremy Brown; Manohar Bance; Robert Adamson. (2015). Optical Coherence Tomography Requirements for Clinical Diagnostic Middle Ear Imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 20(5): 056008.
A. Kotiya, M.Bance, J. Leadbetter, J.A. Brown, R. Adamson. (2015). Subcutaneous Piezoelectrically Actuated Hearing Aid (SPAHA): Optimisation of PiezoelectricActuator and Effect of Biocompatible Casing on its Performance. Otology and Neurotology. TBD: TBD.
H. Vihvelin, J. Leadbetter, M. Bance, J.A. Brown, R Adamson. (2015). Compensating for Tissue Changes in an Ultrasonic Power Link for Implanted Medical Devices. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. PP(99): 1.
Y. Zhang, P. Garland, R Adamson, J.A. Brown. (2014). The Quenched State with Dominant Shear Vibration Mode Originated from Domain Reconfiguration in [001] Oriented PMN-PT Single Crystals. Journal of Applied Physics. 115(21): 214101-214101-10.
J.A. Brown, S. Sundaresh, J. Leadbetter, A. Bezanson, S. Cochran, R Adamson. (2014). Mass-Spring Matching Layers for High Frequency Ultrasound Transducers: A New Technique Using Vacuum Deposition. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control. 61: 1911-1921.
A. Bezanson, R. Adamon, M. Bance, J.A. Brown. (2014). Fabrication and Performance of a Miniaturized 64-Element High-Frequency Endoscopic Phased Array. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control. 61: 33-43.
Refereed?: Yes
C. McKnight, M. Bance, J.A. Brown, D. Doman, R Adamson. (2013). Direct measurement of the wavelength of sound waves in the Human Skull. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 133(1): 136-145.
H. Hanafi Alamdari, L. Posada, S. Bhatawadekar, J.A. Brown, and G. Maksym. (2013). A ResonanceÂMode Piezoelectric Device for Measurement of Respiratory Mechanics. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering. 6(11): 1062-1071.
J.A. Brown, K. Dunphy, J. Leadbetter, RAdamson, O. Beslin. (2013). Fabrication and Performance of a Single-Crystal Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate (PMN-PT) Hydrophone for Increased Sensitivity. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 134(2): 1031-1038.
Z. Torbatian, R Adamson, J.A. Brown. (2013). Experimental Verification of Pulse Probing Technique for Phase Coherence Grating Lobe Suppression. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control (Cover article). 60: 1324-1332.
Z. Torbatian, P. Garland, M. Bance, R Adamson, J.A. Brown. (2012). Listening to the Cochlea with High Frequency Ultrasound. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 38(12): 2208-2217.
Last Updated (Monday, 17 April 2017 20:16)