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 | Shaun Boe, MPT, PhDAssistant Professor, Website | This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | Publications Tel: (902) 494-6360 |
Nervous system rehabilitation
Dr. Shaun Boe uses a variety of advanced neurophysiological imaging techniques and functional measures to study changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems in response to injury/disease and to treatments used in rehabilitation. Dr. Boe’s goal is optimize the effectiveness of treatments for motor deficits resulting from nervous system disorders such as stroke.
A new faculty member in Dalhousie University’s School of Physiotherapy, Dr. Boe has recently established the Neurophysiology Lab. He is developing research collaborations and recruiting patients to take part in studies to:
- investigate adaptations that occur in the brain, spinal cord and muscle before, during and after a variety of neuromuscular rehabilitation treatments
- measure functional and behavioural changes during and after treatments.
He will use his findings to modify treatments and re-evaluate their effectiveness, in order to determine which treatment approaches are best for which individuals.
Academic background
Shaun Boe began his studies of human movement at Brock University in Ontario, receiving a bachelor of physical education in kinesiology (honours) in 2002. He then went on to the University of Western Ontario, where he completed a PhD in kinesiology, followed by clinical training to attain a masters degree in physiotherapy (MPT). Prior to joining the School of Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University in 2010, he completed postdoctoral training through the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and the Rotman Research Institute.
 Selected Publications
Mochizuki G, Boe S, Marlin A, McIlroy W. (2017). Performance of a concurrent cognitive task modifies pre and post-perturbation evoked cortical activity. Neuroscience. _: _.
*McInnes K, *Friesen CL, MacKenzie DE, Westwood DA, Boe SG. (2017). Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and chronic cognitive impairment: a scoping review. PLoS One. PONE-D-17-03667
*Kraeutner S, *Ingram T, Boe S. (2017). The effector independent nature of motor imagery: evidence from rTMS induced inhibition to the primary motor cortices. Neuropsychologia. 97: 1-8.
Boe SG, *Kraeutner SN. (2017). Assessing motor imagery ability through motor imagery-based learning: could the proof be in the pudding?. Imagination, Cognition and Personality. MS# ICAP-17-0004
*Friesen C L, Bardouille T, Neyedii H, Boe S G. (2017). Combined action observation and motor imagery neurofeedback for modulation of brain activity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10: 692.
Stevens T, Bardouille T, Stroink G, Boe S, Beyea S. (2016). Fully automated quality assurance and localization of volumetric MEG for single-subject mapping. J Neurosci Methods. 266: 21-31.
McWhinney S, Tremblay A, Boe S, Bardouille T. (2016). The impact of unstructured training on the ability to generate salient features for brain-computer interface control. Medical & Biological Engineering &Computing. MS# MBEC-D-17-00012
*Ingram T G J, *Kraeutner S N, *Solomon J P, Westwood D A, Boe S G. (2016). Skill acquisition via motor imagery relies on both motor and perceptual learning. Behav Neurosci. 130(2): 252-260.
Graham S, Tam F, Schweizer T, Ween J, Boe S, Ranieri S. (2016). fMRI simulator training to suppress head motion. Neurosci and Biomed Engineering. 4(2): 96-103.
*Kraeutner SN, *Gaughan T, *Eppler SN, Boe SG. (2016). Motor imagery-based implicit sequence learning depends on the formation of stimulus-response associations. Acta Psychologica. ACTPSY_2016_149
*Kraeutner S, *MacKenzie L, Westwood D, Boe S. (2015). Characterising skill acquisition through motor imagery with no prior physical practice. Â J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 42(2): 257-65.
*McInnes K, *Friesen C, Boe S. (2015). Specific brain lesions impair or restrict motor imagery ability: a systematic review of the evidence. Arch Phys Med and Rehab. 97(3): 478-489.
*Kraeutner S, *Keeler L, Boe S. (2015). Motor imagery-based acquisition disrupted following rTMS of the inferior parietal lobule. Exp Brain Res. 234(2): 397-407.
*Solomon J, Boe S, Bardouille T. (2015). Reliability for non-invasive somatosensory cortex localization: implications for pre-surgical mapping. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 139: 224-9.
*Fleet A, Page S, MacKay-Lyons M, Boe S. (2014). Modified constraint-induced movement therapy for upper extremity recovery post stroke: What is the evidence?. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. 21(4): 319-31.
Boe S , *Gionfriddo A , *Kraeutner S , Tremblay A , Little G , Bardouille T. (2014). Laterality of brain activity during motor imagery is modulated by the provision of source level neurofeedback. NeuroImage. 101:159-167.
*Kraeutner S, *Gionfriddo A, Bardouille T, Boe S. (2014). Motor imagery based brain activity parallels that of motor execution: evidence from magnetic source imaging of cortical oscillations. Brain Research. 1588:81-91.
*Little G, Boe S, Bardouille T. (2014). Head movement compensation in real-time magnetoencephalographic recordings. Methods X. 1: 275–282.
Page S J, Boe S, Levine P. (2013). What are the "ingredients" of modified constraint-induced therapy? An evidence-based review, recipe, and recommendations. Restorative neurology and neuroscience. 31(3):299-309.
*Fleet A, *Che M, MacKay-Lyons M, MacKenzie D, Page S, Eskes G, McDonald A, Boe S. (2013). Examining utilization of constraint induced movement therapy in Canadian neurological rehabilitation. Physiotherapy Canada. 66(1): 60-71.
Aloriani S, MacKay-Lyons M, Boe S, McDonald A. (2013). Evidence-Based Practice: Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy to Improve Paretic Upper Extremity Motor Skills and Function of a Patient in the Sub-Acute Stage of Stroke. Physiotherapy Canada. 66(1): 56-59.
Boe S G, Cassidy R J, Graham S J, McIlroy W E. (2012). Single session motor learning demonstratedusing a visuomotor task: evidence from fMRI and behavioural analysis. J Neurosci Methods. 209(2):308-19.
Bardouille T , Boe S. (2012). State-related changes in MEG functional connectivity reveal the task-positive sensorimotor network. PloS one. 7(10): _.
Boe SG, Antonowicz NM, Leung VW, Shea SM, Zimmerman TC, Doherty TJ. High inter-rater reliability in analyzing results of decomposition-based quantitative electromyography in subjects with or without neuromuscular disorder. J Neurosci Methods (2010), Jul 29. [Epub ahead of print].
Mochizuki G, Boe S, Marlin A, McIlroy W. Perturbation-evoked cortical activity reflects both the context and consequence of postural instability, Neuroscience (2010), Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print].
Pino LJ, Stashuk DW, Boe SG, Doherty TJ. Probabilistic muscle characterization using QEMG: Application to neuropathic muscle. Muscle Nerve 2009; 41: 18-31.
Boe SG, Dalton BH, Harwood B, Doherty TJ, Rice CL. Inter-rater reliability of motor unit number estimates and quantitative motor unit analysis in the tibialis anterior muscle. Clinical Neurophysiol 2009; 120: 947-952
Boe SG, Stashuk DW, Doherty TJ. Motor unit number estimates, quantitative motor unit analysis and clinical outcome measures in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol 2009; Suppl 60: 181-188.
Doherty TJ, Boe SG, Stashuk DW. DQEMG: methodology and applications. Clin Neurophysiol 2009; Suppl 60: 119-130.
Pino LJ, Stashuk DW, Boe SG, Doherty TJ. Decision support for QEMG. Clin Neurophysiol 2009; Suppl 60: 247-262.
Boe SG, Rice CL, Doherty TJ. Estimating contraction level using root mean square amplitude in control subjects and patients with neuromuscular disorders. Arch Phys Med and Rehab 2008; 89(4): 711-718.
Pino LJ, Stashuk DW, Boe SG, Doherty TJ. Motor unit potential characterization using pattern discovery. Med Eng Phys 2008; 30(5): 563-573.
Boe SG, Stashuk DW, Doherty TJ. Motor unit number estimates and quantitative motor unit analysis in healthy subjects and patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Muscle Nerve 2007; 36 (1): 62-70.
Boe SG, Stashuk DW, Brown WF, Doherty TJ. Decomposition-based quantitative electromyography: effect of force on motor unit potentials and motor unit number estimates. Muscle Nerve 2005; 31 (3): 365-373.
Boe SG, Stashuk DW, Brown WF, Doherty TJ. Decomposition-based quantitative electromyography: effect of force on motor unit potentials and motor unit number estimates. Muscle Nerve 2005; 31 (3): 365-373.
Last Updated (Tuesday, 18 April 2017 13:57)